Covid-19 nasopharyngeal swab by RT-PCR | Santagostino
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Covid-19 nasopharyngeal swab by RT-PCR

Milan, Monza and surroundings
Bergamo and surroundings
Busto Arsizio

Il referto del tampone è disponibile entro tre giorni lavorativi. Se hai bisogno del referto entro il giorno dopo, prenota il Tampone Rinofaringeo Molecolare Covid-19 Express.
The report is available within three working days. If you need the result within the next day, book the RT-PCR Express Covid-19.

ATTENZIONE: questa prestazione non può essere prenotata se se presenti sintomi assimilabili a Covid 19. Se sei un paziente già dichiarato positivo e devi prenotare il tampone che determini la fine della tua quarantena, puoi prenotare SOLO se non presenti sintomi ed hai terminato i giorni di quarantena imposti dalla normativa.
Se hai avuto contatti con un positivo e sei asintomatico, puoi prenotare il tampone in uno dei nostri centri.

Se devi prenotare il tampone per un bambino fino ai 6 anni, chiama il call center allo 0289701701 per avere indicazioni sulle sedi che erogano la prestazione per la fascia d'età richiesta. Il pagamento è anticipato e avverrà al momento della prenotazione.

Puoi disdire l'appuntamento entro i due giorni precedenti alla prenotazione. In caso di assenza oppure disdetta oltre il termine, la prestazione NON SARA' RIMBORSATA.

Note di preparazione

Ti invitiamo a prendere visione dei documenti relativi alle istruzioni operative e spiegazione referti presenti in questo link.

Qui. trovi l'informativa privacy.

Porta con te i moduli che trovi a questo link. già compilati e firmati.

La scheda anamnestica che trovi a questo link. dovrai compilarla e consegnarla già firmata.


È necessario presentare un documento di identità.

What should I do before the swab test?

It is NOT possible to cancel or move the appointment within 24 hours prior to it so as not to take away the opportunity for the many people waiting. In case of cancellation in the previous 24 hours you are NOT entitled to a refund.

If you have to book for a person under 6 years old, please contact us at 0289701701.
After booking you will receive a link via text message where you will find all the information on how to prepare for the swab test.

Here are the guidelines you need to follow:

  • Read Privacy policy.
  • Read, print and sign two copies of the informed consent and bring with you with the “scheda paziente”.
  • Find out how to access the report and how to consult it.
    It is mandatory to read it in order to understand how to behave based on the outcome of the examination.

When will I receive the results?

The swab result is ready in 3 working days starting from the day after acceptance (eg: if you do it on Monday, the result will be available on Thursday). If the swab is performed on a Saturday, the calculation starts on Monday. On The day of the swab test you will be notified exactly when your report will be ready. The report will be available in your clinical dossier by accessing your personal area of ​​the site or app MySantagostino.

Sundays and public holidays are NOT calculated as working days even if they were exam days.

Important note: Like for other examinations, it is not possible to access the Center in case of fever and any flu symptom. In this case the request for the swab test must be done to competent health authorities through your family doctor or booking a domiciliary test.

What to do if you were tested positive for Covid-19 or you had contact with a person who was tested positive for Covid-19?

In case of a positive molecular swab, you will have to book the molecular swab that determines the end of the isolation, which you can ONLY book as a home service (home visit), in case you want to do it with Santagostino.
You can carry out the molecular swab in our centers only if more than 21 days have passed since the symptoms or since the first swab was performed.

  • If you had high-risk contact with a person tested positive for Covid-19  and you need to book the molecular swab that determines the end of your isolation, you can ONLY book as a home service (home visit).
  • If you had low risk contact with a positive person and you are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic (no fever), you can book the molecular swab at one of our centers.
  • If you need to book the swab (antigenic or molecular) for a child under 6 years old, call the Call Center at the following number 0289701701 for information on the centers that provide the service based on age and then book online after adding the child as a family member (if you are the parent or legal guardian).

How and when do I cancel a swab?

The swab can ONLY be canceled online, from your reserved area on the mySantagostino app or on

  • From the app, go to Appointments, then click on Future Appointments and select the service to be canceled and follow the instructions until the cancellation is confirmed. You will receive confirmation sms and the refund procedure will start.
  • From the site, go to Reservations, then click on Future Appointments and select the service to be canceled and follow the instructions until the cancellation is confirmed. You will receive confirmation sms and the refund procedure will start.

If you are cancelling an appointment for a family member, remember to select his/her name from the drop-down menu once you are in the Appointments / Services area.

You can cancel no later than 24 hours before the service, after this period, you will no longer be able to cancel or obtain any refund.

Tampone rinofaringeo Covid-19 a domicilio
Tampone Rinofaringeo Molecolare Covid-19 A Domicilio  
110 € info

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Covid-19 nasopharyngeal swab by RT-PCR: quanto costa?

La prestazione Covid-19 nasopharyngeal swab by RT-PCR al Santagostino costa 75euro.
